Collaborative PIT Assessments Webinar

We will describe how pit assessments work and how to maximize their effectiveness. A pit assessment is an innovative 30-minute collaborative assessment with a patient, general practitioner, and psychiatrist when a full psychiatric consult is not indicated. As a result of implementing pit assessments, average wait times to see a psychiatrist fell from 43 days in 2013 to only 10 days for a pit assessment and 15 days for a full consultation in 2016.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what pit assessments are and how they work
  • Understand what resources are required to implement pit assessments
  • Be prepared to implement pit assessment elsewhere 
  • Understand how to maximize pit assessment effectiveness

ADHD Workshops And Cognitive Behavioural Therapist Webinar

We will describe a set of 9 interdisciplinary sessions per semester for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Additionally, we will present data to support the need and helpfulness of an in clinic Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how useful a CBT therapist is within a university campus health clinic
  • Appreciate the scope of student illness treated successfully with an in-clinic CBT therapist
  • Understand the role of CME in helping family doctors competently treat ADHD without requiring psychiatric consultation and
  • Be aware of the logistics of our patient behaviour therapy group for ADHD and how to access resources to replicate these groups

Mental Health Nurse And Managing Emotions Program Webinar

We will present data to support the need for and helpfulness of a full time mental health nurse. Additionally, we will describe our program for students with Emotional Dysregulation related to early childhood trauma (Borderline Personality Disorder).

Learning Objectives

  • Appreciate the scope of service provided and patients benefitting from a full time mental health nurse in a university campus health clinic
  • Understand how our eating disorders program operates
  • Understand the requirements of implementing our Managing Emotions program
  • Be aware of this program to implement elsewhere
Accreditation: Each of the above webinars qualifies for 1 Mainpro+ Linking Learning to Practice self-learning credits and 1 MOC Section 2 Personal Learning Project self-learning credits.


Dr. Marilyn Thorpe, Psychiatrist and project lead, has 26 years of experience in psychiatry and psychotherapy for adolescents and young adults. She arrived at the University of Victoria over 3 years ago.


Dr. James Felix, Family Physician, has been at the University of Victoria Health Services for 5 years and is a Mental Health Co-Lead. Dr. Felix created our ADHD educational program for students.


Dr. Oona Hayes, Family Physician, has been at the University of Victoria Health Services for 6 years and is a Mental Health Co-Lead and the Family Doctor Lead.



Cathy Buchan, Mental Health Nurse, has spent her career in nursing and 6 years at the University of Victoria Health Services.

Dr. Erin Burrell, Adult Psychiatrist, spent 4 years working at the University of Victoria Health Services where she conceived of and created the Managing Emotions Foundation Module

Dawn Olson, CBT Therapist, has a career in mental health and has lead much of the managing emotions program.